
Pistachio Carbonara

Pistachio Carbonara

Pistachio Carbonara

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Adjust Servings:
400 g Spaghetti
300 g Guanciale
3 Egg yolks
200 g Pecorino Romano Cheese
90 g Pistachio butter
Black Pepper
Chopped pistachios

    Pistachio Carbonara is an innovative take on the traditional Italian Carbonara, introducing a delightful nutty flavor to this beloved dish.

    • 30 minutes
    • Serves 4
    • Easy
    class="bordered-title"> Ingredients

    Pistachio Carbonara – A Nutty Twist on an Italian Classic

    Pistachio Carbonara is an innovative take on the traditional Italian Carbonara, introducing a delightful nutty flavor to this beloved dish. This recipe is a testament to the versatility of Italian cuisine, demonstrating how a simple ingredient swap can transform a classic into something new and exciting.

    The star of this dish is the pistachio, a nut known for its rich, slightly sweet flavor. When incorporated into the Carbonara, it adds a unique depth of taste and a beautiful green hue to the creamy sauce.

    The secret to this delightful twist lies in the use of pistachio butter. Start by rendering the fat from guanciale, an Italian cured meat, then mix it with egg yolks, pecorino romano cheese and pistacchio butter. This not only infuses the dish with a deep, nutty flavor but also adds a creamy texture to the sauce, creating a velvety, rich sauce that perfectly coats the pasta. The result is a flavorful base that’s packed with umami. The result is a comforting, satisfying dish that’s a testament to the versatility of Italian cuisine.

    Pistachio Carbonara is a creative, satisfying dish that’s perfect for those seeking a twist on the traditional. It’s a delicious way to enjoy the rich flavors of Carbonara while experiencing the unique taste of pistachios. So why not give Pistachio Carbonara a try? It might just become your new favorite pasta dish.

    Don’t forget to take a look at my Pumpkin Carbonara recipe as well!



    10 minutes

    Grill the guanciale

    Remove the rind from the guanciale. Cut it into matchsticks or dice. Sweat the guanciale in a cold pan to start. Remove the fat that is released gradually. Set aside. The guanciale should be crunchy. Set it aside on absorbent paper.

    10 minutes

    Egg yolk-pecorino-pistachio butter cream

    Toast the pepper for a few moments before grinding it in a mortar. In a stainless steel bowl, mix the egg yolks, pecorino romano, and pepper. Add the guanciale fat and a few pieces and mix well. Add the pure pistachio paste and mix until you get a pasty consistency.

    10 minutes

    Cooking the pasta

    In a pot of boiling salted water, cook the spaghetti. When they are al dente, transfer them to the stainless steel bowl with the cream. Take a little of the pasta cooking water. Place the bowl over the pot in which the pasta was cooked and finish cooking in a bain-marie. This step allows to pasteurize the eggs, densify the cream and wrap the pasta well. Plate up. Add the crunchy guanciale and crushed pistachio.

    My name is Olivier, I am Franco-Italian and passionate about cooking, especially italian cuisine! It is this passion that led me to launch a blog dedicated to the authentic italian cuisine.

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